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Six Figure Strategy Session

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    Hey guys it’s Rae Vonshae and welcome to my six figure strategy session.   Okay in this six figure strategy session we’re going to learn how to select a product or service to promote online,  things to look for and things to stay away from.

    Warning… the strategies you’re about to discover may produce life-changing results! Use at your own risk.  Six figures is anywhere from one hundred thousand to nine hundred and ninety nine thousand dollars, well nine hundred and ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine dollars and ninety nine cents.

    So that’s six figures.  We need to know how can we create something that generates six figures now it may not start out generating six figures in six months it may take two or three years maybe five years to get to this goal but we have to have a foundation first. Everybody is not going to make six figures.  This is a strategy session results are not typical we don’t know if you will work at all we don’t know if you watch the whole  video.  Some people get distracted within the first five minutes of a video and they leave.  Some people won’t do nothing at all, and

    that’s why 95% of marketers are not making over one thousand dollars a month because people are not dedicated to the process there is a process.

    Just like going to work every single day for eight hours a day driving on the highway for 30 minutes to and fro, that’s a process. People are willing to take that because it’s guaranteed money and some people are willing to start their own business because they’re more risk takers and they know that you may struggle in the beginning but in the long run it’s going to be more beneficial so this six figure strategy session.
    number one you have to find a product

    that solves a problem selling people uh what they want is not a problem-solving product it’s just selling people what they want so in order to my strategy is i want to be able to solve problems so i have to find a product or service that’s going to solve a problem for somebody else and that’s going to be my founding criteria for selecting a product to promote online i work online so that’s number one number two you want the product to have

    a residual base component i’m in the car business and i do referrals so a lot of the mistakes i made was when you do referrals even though you get paid 100 to 300 per sale sometimes even 500 per sale that’s only a one-time situation you get paid one time for the sale and then you have to do the work all over again every single day for the next few years or however often you want to make money with the referral business so it’s almost like having a job i mean you’re making the same amount of money or more or even a little less i mean it depends on who you are you’re making the same amount of money or more than people who work a job but it’s still like you work a job because you have to do the work actively over and over and over again actively you have to continue to do this in order to get these type of results so even though you make good money you’re stuck in this position and it’s a cycle it’s a cycle it’s a cycle and you have to continue to do the same things and and you’ll never break the cycle because if you don’t send a referral you don’t get commission and then that’s just a cycle that needs to brokennow what you want to do if you find a product with the residual base.

    that means let’s say somebody signs up one time month one somebody sign up they like the product they’re gonna stay with the product so my two they’re gonna pay month three month four they could pay for five or ten years or twenty years or until their business goes out of business they need your product or service so they’re going to continue to pay until they don’t need it anymore or don’t want it anymore that’s residual so what you want to do is you think about it like this the first month you sign up 10 people for your product or service

    that’s 10 people the next month if you sign up 10 more people now you have 20 people purchasing this product or service every single month and you’re making commissions every single month off 20 people 10 the first month 10 the second month third month you sign up 10 you got 30 people paying for a product and you’re making commissions whether you make 30 or whatever your percentage is you’re making percentage so your money is growing over the time period is stacking so as you grow and you build and you continue to show people how this product or service will help them you’re just making more money and as they use the service or product and they see how it helps them in their business they’re going to stay with that product or for as long as they stay with the product or service with me i have certain tools that i have to use online to make my business work i’ve been with my particular companies since 07 i have been paying every single month since  2007 for certain tools do you think the person that signed me up is a happy person just imagine how many people they signedup and they’re paying every single month since 07 and all they’re doing is building and building is solving problems and helping business owners grow with the things they need for their business that’s all when you start helping people and not just looking to make money but really trying to help people grow their business then you make more money but when you’re only in business for money it won’t work it won’t last long so that’s the second thing you look for the third thing you look for is make sure the product is digital

    Why with digital products such as softwares or programs or stuff or courses or things like that they have more room to give out higher commissions because it’s digital the overhead is much lower if it was a physical product your commission rates would be lower you would just have to drive more traffic to that particular offer but if it’s a digital product your commission rates could be between 30 40 50and it gives you an advantage because it’s digital most of the time the people are just signing up or the people are just downloading or something like that so it’s already created so you just make passive income and they have more room to pay out once you start generating income and you learn the ropes then you can scale it because you can start investing money into your traffic into advertising and driving traffic to your funnel.

    We’ll discuss all that later but as you start growing your business you’re going to start paying for traffic everything is not going to be free all the time you can start with free sources you can start how do i promote these companies how do i advertise for these companies guess what you can use facebook as your advertising platform is free traffic you can use youtube as your advertising platform it’s free traffic all you have to do is create the videos and get in front of people who are searching for what you have to offer there are strategies for that instagram is an advertising platform pinterest linkedin you can use all of these platforms to get started driving traffic and then as you grow then you can start

    investing in your traffic the same platforms offer paid solutions the same exact platforms you can get the free traffic or you can get the pay the only thing about paid is that you just show up in front of more people and it’s a numbers game so you the more people you

    show up in front of the more people you’re gonna draw to your advertisement that’s all it is so these are the things that you search for now i have a program that i’m in and we help people with the software and tools to start their business for instance hosting you have all types of hosting companies you have hostgator you have bluehost and you pay 12 to 15 a month for that and then you have

    your autoresponder that you need and you pay 15 to 19 bucks a month for that and then you have your funnel creation software to create your funnels the front door to your website and you pay some companies are a hundred dollars a month to 300 a month for that so it can get pretty pricey sometimes people are paying 500 a month just to run their business on the tools alone.

    i’m in a program it’s an all-in-one inclusive platform it has your funnel creation software your web design software your autoresponder tools all of this is in one place guess what we doing this thing all you have to do is be willing to do the work when you go to school to be a doctor you don’t become a doctor the next month you have to go through a certain amount of time whether it’s and it’s not four years because average people go for four years and get that degree you have to go for however many years it takes to get a degree for that particular thing that you’re going for so if you’re going to be a doctor you have to go what eight years ten years or whatever i don’t know how long but you have to go that many years if you’re going to be an attorney you have to go that many years so online education is school you have to learn it you can’t just think oh i can youtube it i can google it you can but you don’t know what to google you don’t know what to search for because if you did you’d have been undone it already so what you want to do is position yourself with somebody who already knows the ropes and has already been down certain roads so when i feed you the information i’m only feeding you what actually works not saying it’s gonna work for you because i can’t guarantee that results are not typical but i can say what has worked for me because i’ve been working since 2007 online

    so that’s the benefit of working with someone who’s been positioned for a long time is that they can help youmiss all the struggles and all of the road blocks and all of the scams that’s online because there are scams online i have been scammed several times i just didn’t quit when i got scammed.

    i got scammed one time turned around and got scammed another time turned around and got scammed another time but guess what you don’t quit just because you get scammed because you know it’s real things on the internet that you can do you just have to find what’s real and if you work with me i just automatically connect you with what’s real and you can eliminate all that extra unnecessary drama so if you want to get started today click the link below or on the side maybe even above this video and then sign up for your free trial after you sign up for your free trial then you’ll get an invite to join my private group on facebook have a great day everyone and talk to you later bye

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