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How to monetize youtube videos for online success

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    I’m going to show you how to monetize youtube videos for your online business success.  Just follow these tips!

    If you are looking for ways to make money on Youtube, you are in the right place.  A lot of people don’t realize that Youtube is a gold mine and more people should really take advantage of using the platform for what it’s designed to be which is advertising.

    Hi guys it’s Rae Vonshae the marketing queen let’s get it

    The first way how to monetize youtube videos is with affiliate marketing.  You can become an affiliate of a company like Amazon and you can actually start reviewing products from amazon and when people see your review and they actually like the product that you’re talking about, you can add a link a custom link from amazon that they give coded directly to you… you can add a link in your description and when people click on that link and they actually go to Amazon and buy, = you get the commission as long as they buy within 24 hours of clicking the link that’s called affiliate marketing.

    There are tons and tons of companies like that where you can get affiliated with and they’ll give you a custom coded link directly to you and then you can talk about products and services all day on your Youtube channel and you can get paid after they purchase through your link that’s called affiliate marketing.

    The second way you can monetize your Youtube channel is with sponsorships once you’re in a certain niche on Youtube and you’re doing certain things like hair fashion beauty or tech reviews or any type of niche that you’re in, you have the opportunity to get sponsorships. What that means is companies have the opportunity to contact you and offer you a fee to promote their product or services on your page… that’s called a sponsorship!

    When they pay you to do a specific video around their product or service that’s a sponsored ad.  So then you can get paid, you can set your price and tell them how much you’ll charge them to do the video and that’s another way you can monetize your Youtube videos.

    The third way of how to monetize Youtube videos is with your own product or services.  You can start your Youtube channel and talk about your own product or services and monetize in that way.  As long as people are watching your videos, you never know how many people you can reach and talk about your products or services on your channel.

    The fourth way of how to monetize Youtube videos is with Google Adsense.

    Everybody wants to hear this… Google Adsense, we all know well most of us know that google owns Youtube. So once you get a thousand subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time the 4 000 hours have to be in one year once you get the requirements then you’re able to qualify to join Google’s Adsense Partner Program, and that means you know those ads that you see on people’s videos while you’re watching those ads that play on people’s channels… you can get paid a percentage of those ads.

    People have to watch the ad for a certain amount of time for you to get paid but that’s another way that a lot of Youtubers monetize their Youtube channels so you can possibly do the same

    Those are the four ways to monetize your youtube videos!


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