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How to stay motivated to lose weight – five tips

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    Hi guys it’s Rae Vonshae and today I’m going to talk about

    How to stay motivated to lose weight

    The first thing you want to do is set your own goal.  I set my goal 20 pounds at a time that way I can accomplish one goal and then set a new goal.  I don’t say I need to lose 50 pounds or I need to lose 75 pounds… I say I need to lose my first 20 pounds.  Every pound makes a difference when you’re losing weight, so even if you lose 10 pounds you’re going to see something and that will help you stay motivated while losing weight.  So you take it 10 pounds at a time or 20 pounds at a time, but set smaller goals so you can accomplish them and then continue to set goals along your weight loss journey. This is how to stay motivated to lose weight.

    The second way is to only compete with yourself!  You see so many people trying to outdo one another… everybody is trying to do more than the next person and trying to outdo the next person.Only compete with yourself.  If I say… because I know my body and I know my eating habits and I know that I sometimes slip up, so my goal is to lose two pounds per week somebody else always trying to compete with you can say “oh well I’m gonna lose five pounds a week” and I can, but see that’s not realistic weight loss. I set my goals for realistic weight loss the healthy way I know that it takes time to lose weight.  The same way it took time to gain weight so what I do is say two pounds per week is very realistic for me and my body my eating habits and the way I do things.  So I don’t care if you lose 10 pounds a week… 20 pounds a week… or 50 pounds a week, I’m not in competition with you. I’m my only competition.  As long as I get to the goals I’ve set for myself, I’m not concerned with what the next person is doing.  So always only be your own competition and don’t compete with the next person and you’ll stay motivated to lose weight when you’re not competing with anybody else.  This is how to stay motivated to lose weight.

    The third way to stay motivated while losing weight… celebrate each and every pound!   As you step on the scale or as you see the inches go down or as you see your clothes fit better, celebrate yourself and congratulate yourself.  Always celebrate yourself! Somebody else may not celebrate you, but if you’re celebrating yourself you’re gonna stay motivated to lose weight.  You can’t depend on other people to celebrate your success for you, you have to celebrate your own success.  Every pound at a time, every inch at a time, be happy that you made those small accomplishments because small wins turn into big wins.  That’s how you stay motivated to lose weight.

    Number four consistency is better than one day a week… one hardcore workout.  Again we go with this competition things, so many people are trying to outdo one another. If I say I’m walking, the next person wanna say they’re running.  If you say you’re doing this the next person wanna say they’re doing that.  I’m not competing with you, so if I walk every day for 20 minutes a day or 30 minutes a day, it’s better than going to the gym hitting one hardcore workout one day a week. When you walk every single day, these are calories that you’re burning.  There’s no right or wrong way to burn calories.  You can burn calories walking, you can burn calories dancing… you have to find what you like to do for your body.  You might have bad knees so you can’t jump rope or you may have this back problem so you can’t do the ab wheel.  See everybody has different things going on in their life.  If you tailor your weight loss journey according to your body and what you can do then you can stay motivated to lose weight because you’re doing what you can do and not what someone’s telling you to do.  When you start doing what other people tell you to do and they don’t know the problems that you may have or the injuries that you may have had in the past or things that may not work for your body then that’s what demotivates people.  But when you do what works for your body then that’s how you stay motivated.  See I like to dance… I like to cut on music and dance, so I say to myself if an average song is three to four minutes then how many songs do I have to dance to to get in my 15, 20, 30 minutes per day.  I don’t try to do it one hour a day, I try to do it 15, 20, or 30 minutes a day that’s all. Because consistency is better than one hardcore workout a week.  I’m developing a lifestyle!  When you develop a lifestyle, then you want to be consistent… you want to get your limbs moving every day and not just one day per week trying to compete with the next person.  Consistency is always better than one or two workouts per week.  I don’t care if you just walk in every day as long as you’re burning calories you’ll stay motivated to lose weight.

    The fifth thing that I do to stay motivated to lose weight is weekly photo shoots!  Get in front of that camera… fix yourself up… put on a little lip gloss.  I don’t wear eyelashes, but I put on a little lip gloss. I try to put on a little blush, try to put on a little eyeliner, and try to fix myself up.  Put on an outfit, get cute, put your heels on and get your hair together.  Put your wig on or fix your hair up or whatever you do and take a picture of yourself and look at yourself.  Take a side pose, look at that stomach sideways  to see how it’s going down.  If you take a picture of yourself once a week and you’ve been being consistent on your healthy eating and your exercise every single day, you’re going to see pounds being shredded or inches being shredded or something is going to show up in those pictures.  That’s why it’s always good to take weekly photoshoots of yourself so you can stay motivated to lose weight.  These are my tips.  This is how to stay motivated to lose weight.

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