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7 ways to create passive income

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    Here are seven ways to create passive income.

    Below are the most popular monetization strategies for marketers, bloggers, vloggers, coaches, consultants, entrepreneurs, and business owners.

    See more financial strategy videos on Youtube.

    1. Advertisements

    2. Affiliate marketing

    3. Ebook creation

    4. Course Creation

    5. Email Marketing

    6. Business Software Referrals

    7. Domain Flipping

    They’re popular because they work – And building expertise in just ONE of them can make you millions of dollars. Everything takes TIME to build, because these are LEGITIMATE ways to make money and nothing comes overnight, but if you are dedicated to the process, just as with anything else you should see results. You get out what you put in and if you are serious about your business, this list should help you get going in the right direction.

    Again – you don’t need millions of ways to make passive income, all you need is to hone in on a couple of them and you can be on your way to financial freedom.

    I will tackle each one and explain the pro’s and con’s of each.

    1. Advertisements

    Advertisements are ads displayed on a website. Google ads are an example of this. When you have a website/blog and you are creating content on a particular topic, you can apply for Google to place ads on your site and these ads get clicked or get viewed, you make money.

    In fact, just one ad click could pay you $1 – $5 if you are in a lucrative niche.

    When you’re getting tens of thousands of visitors to your blog every single day – you could earn a full time income blogging. (But it takes work – you MUST BLOG and drive TRAFFIC to your site)

    Advertisements are the most PASSIVE way to generate website income. They’re easy to set up – The more visitors you get to your blog the more ad revenue you’ll make. It’s as simple as that.

    The main drawback of ads is that they distract your readers away from your content… But if you are creating the website with ads in mind, that’s part of the game. So Who cares!

    Also, to make good money with ads, you need A LOT of traffic.

    Most website’s make $5-$10 per 1000 page views. You’ll need around 10,000 page views per day to make $100. The whole purpose is to drive traffic to YOUR site so people can see your content that has your ads on it.

    The type of content most suited for ad revenue are informational type blog posts or gossip blogs or news blogs. Remember, most of these visitors aren’t looking to buy anything. They’re simply looking for info. Displaying ads on these pages is usually the best way to monetize this type of traffic. You can use Google Ads or you can get people to pay to place ads on your site once you get enough traffic. As long as your website is niche specific and very targeted to a specific audience. You can get ads placed on your website. START YOUR WEBSITE TODAY!

    2. Affiliate Marketing

    Affiliate marketing is when you get affiliated with companies to promote another businesses product or service for a commission. This is how I earn 90% of my income online. I love affiliate marketing because as long as you know the formula, you can promote ANY product or ANY business you choose. Amazon is a great place for beginners to get started with affiliate marketing because it gives you a TON of things to promote and they pay up to 10% commissions for each sale generated through your link. The companies give you specific links coded directly to you for you to promote. Amateurs take the link and start plastering it all over the internet and most are not making a dime from that method because that’s not the right way to do affiliate marketing. You could create a website/blog in a particular niche and start reviewing items in that niche, and place a link on your site for that product that you just reviewed… and when someone clicks on your link to buy the product, you get a commission.

    The goal is to show them how a product can help them… and give them the opportunity to buy it through your link.

    If you do a good job “pre-selling” the affiliate product – readers will understand how the product will help them and you will make their buying decision clearer.

    There are affiliate products to promote in almost every niche.

    Affiliate marketing is really about referring your readers to places where they can buy something that will help them with their lives.

    What YOU need to do is WARM up your readers to the idea of buying the product / service… that is your ONLY job. Your job is NOT to sell the product. If you have a great product, the product should sell itself or the product owner should be selling the product. Your job is to get people to click on your link.

    These programs will ask you for your website so you will need a fully functional website that relates to the offers you choose so make sure to do things in order to ensure you get approved for the campaigns.

    3. Ebook Creation

    Are you an expert at anything? Do you have something that you know about and want to share it with the world? Create an ebook and sell it online. Most

    people begin to write ebooks after they have learned how to be successful at a particular thing. There are tons of books in the world. How to golf, dog training, how to lose weight, recipe books, birthday party ideas… the list goes on. Find something you can write about, and write it. The reason most people are going from physical books to ebooks is because we are in a digital age now. The digital downloads are what people are becoming accustomed to. It also saves time, because people don’t have to wait days for a physical book to be shipped to their doorstep… they can download immediately.

    If you don’t have your own Ebook but would like to promote one that’s already created and earn 50% COMMISSIONS for EACH SALE YOU MAKE, feel free to purchase MIDDLE MAN MONEY first, read it… make sure you love it, then become an affiliate so you can begin to recommend it to others. You earn 50% for simply RECOMMENDING an EBOOK that you didn’t write. How easy is that?

    4. Course Creation

    Course creation is when you create a course that teaches people step by step how to get something accomplished. This is not beginner friendly. I repeat… this is NOT beginner friendly. You must have some skin in the game or some serious investment money to create a digital course because in order to teach something, you have to LEARN it first and teaching others is VERY MUCH different from doing something yourself. Basically, you have to LEARN how to TEACH. But this is a great passive revenue stream because you create the course one time, and as long as you know how to sell it, the course can sell for years and years.

    Course creation takes a lot of research and learning, but it’s one of the most lucrative ways to earn passive income.

    There’s a point where your blog that’s making hundreds of thousands of dollars turns into a blog that makes millions of dollars. This usually happens through course creation.

    5. Email Marketing

    Email marketing is when you capture a readers email on your website and then market products/services to them through a followup email sequence or broadcast emails. This is where 90% of newbies miss the boat. See, when you are blasting your link that the company gives you all over the internet, you have no way of capturing leads because you are sending your traffic directly to the company. Professional marketers create websites/blogs for themselves to maintain control of their own business.

    Email marketing is the most important component for your business. 85% of people won’t take action on the first time they visit your site, so it’s good to capture the email so you can follow up with people and drive them back to your site or to other related offers. Truth is, everyone will not purchase your offer or the offer you are recommending, but what if you had a bunch of other offers that complimented your main offer? This is how successful marketers work online. They connect themselves with MULTIPLE offers and send out emails that compliment the offer they already have and they still make money. Make sense?

    The Top Email Marketing Platforms in my opinion…

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    All you do is send people to your website, collect leads, and email them different offers that relate to what they signed up for daily or weekly.

    6. Business Software Referrals

    Does WIX Pay You? Does Godaddy Pay You? Maybe a small ONE TIME commission, but allow me to educate you. Most times when people invest in a website, they are in it for the long haul. Well OUR Company pays LIFETIME commissions. This means you don’t only get paid ONE TIME, like most company’s pay. You get paid MONTHLY for as long as your referrals remain a paying client for the software. And that’s easy because WE NEED THESE TOOLS!

    With this company, you have the opportunity to recommend products that EVERY business professional will need to run a successful online business.

    This includes…

    • Lead Capture Page software – A business that is not collecting leads is not a business. You MUST capture leads to succeed online.
    • Email autoresonder software – every company needs a way to email their clients AUTOMATICALLY.

    • Funnel Creator Software – creating funnels is the newest and most effective sales strategy online. All professional marketers have funnels!

    • E-learning platform – if you know a coach or consultant who wants to create courses… this platform is for them.


    SYSTEME is an ALL IN ONE platform that give you access to a website, email marketing platform, lead pages, chatbots, e-learning platform, and everything you need to start your website.

    CLICK HERE TO USE IT FOR YOURSELF! THEN RECOMMEND IT TO OTHERS AND GET PAID FOREVER!!! (as long as they pay, you get paid). Multiple packages available.

    7. Domain Flipping

    Domain flipping is when you purchase a domain and sell it for a higher price. The same way people purchase real estate and flip houses, it’s the same thing (or similar) with less overhead. You can make great profits by flipping websites but the con is… you can also end up getting stuck with a website and losing money. I purchased a website for $12.00 and immediately after purchase Godaddy showed me that it’s value was $300.00 but I didn’t flip it because I knew I could make more than $300.00 with the site. As of today, I’ve earned over $60,000 with site therefore you must be careful as to which sites you choose to release and which to keep for yourself because some sites could actually make you more money in the long run. Domain flipping is good because it doesn’t require much work at all, you just purchase a domain and list it on a site, and WAIT…. that’s pretty much the concept. It’s your online real estate.

    Now, I have given you SEVEN different ways you can get started with creating passive income. I hope this guide opened your eyes to the possibilities that reside online and I really hope you enjoyed the short read.

    If you would like to see my #1 recommended business opportunity


    passive income

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